NewportPembs Cookie Policy

By using this website you agree to small text files (cookies) being stored on your device or computer.

These cookies are used for analytics. The cookies do not store any personal information about you and they are supplied by a third party namely Google Inc. The data is anonymized and sent to Google to produce reports about this website's usage. These reports are then used to help us improve the website.

These reports include such information as which web pages have been viewed, how visitors found this website, what device they used when accessing the website BUT do not include any information that can identify a specific individual.

Google have produced a comprehensive guide to what information they collect - please see their information on the following web page:

Your IP address is also used for analysing location information, this too is anonymized. You can find out about IP addresses here:

As we have advertisers paying to be on our website we also employ an extra cookie which sends information to our analytics software about which advertisers website links have been clicked on. This simply lets us know how many advertisers links have been clicked on, after this point we cannot track any more information - the advertisers website may also use cookies, we have no control over this.

We do link out to third party websites, so we must state that we have no control over the quality or content of these websites. It is up to the owners of the third party websites to control the quality of content on their websites.

You may at anytime amend your cookie settings using your web browser to stop cookies from being used. Please view the help files supplied with your browser to find out how to amend your cookie settings, or you can visit the following web page to see how to disable or remove cookies from your device or computer should you wish.

If we decide to change our cookie policy, the changes will be published on this page for you to view.
